Women First 2019
On Sunday 20th October 2019, the First Citizens Group hosted its Annual Women’s Conference entitled Women First-Changing the Narrative Part 2 at the Hyatt Regency.
Following on the success of our ‘Changing the Narrative’ conference theme last year, this year, the 2019 edition of the conference focused on messages of gender stereotyping, violence and empowerment conveyed through Popular Culture and how these might either help or hinder efforts to reduce Gender Based Violence (GBV) in Trinidad and Tobago and in Caribbean society. All proceeds from tickets sales were donated to the newly revamped “Purple Card”, created specifically for the purpose of providing financial assistance to those institutions that help women and children who are victims of domestic violence.
At this year’s event, the Group also honored legendary Chutney signer Drupatee Ramgoonai for her contribution to local culture.
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