Important Advisory
Dear First Citizens Customers,
Please be advised that as part of the Retrospective Due Diligence requirements as outlined by the Central Bank of Barbados in conjunction with the Anti-Money Laundering Authority, you are required to update your Personal/Company accounts as a matter of urgency
Why is updating my information important?
- Security
Your personal profile is what we use to verify you when you contact us.
- Personalisation
Knowing you allows us to offer you the right products and offers that meet your needs.
- Compliance
All financial institutions are required to keep updated information on all customers as stipulated by the Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism (Prevention and Control) Act 2011-23. For businesses, it is important to keep updated records on the beneficial owners.
To update your information, visit your branch or email us at .
For Personal Accounts:
(Please also provide the documentation for any joint holders on the account(s))
- Valid photo-bearing identification, with unique identifier, (e.g. passport, national identification card, driver’s licence);
- Current Proof of Address not more than three (3) months old
- in the event the utility bill is not in your name, you will need to bring along a letter from the addressee authorising you to use his/her bill address and (1) copy of bill owner’s ID
- Proof of Income
- Most recent payslip
- Job letter no more than three (3) months old or documentary evidence of income
- Information on Nationality
- An updated telephone contact number (for all Signatories)
- Customer Declaration form
- FATCA (Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act) Declaration Form
- P.E.P (Politically Exposed Person) Declaration Form
For Company Accounts:
- Certificate of Incorporation or Registration
- Articles of Incorporation
- By Laws of Company under the Companies’ Act, Cap 308
- Picture Identification of all Directors or Signatories
- Proof of Address of all Directors or Signatories
- Banker’s Reference of all Directors or Signatories
- Management Accounts or Financial Statements (no more than 3 years old)
- Shareholder information (10% holding or more)
- An updated telephone contact number for all Directors or Signatories
- Organisational Chart (showing Ultimate Beneficial ownership and subsidiaries)
- Entity Declaration form